Smart Pdf Hub

Image Converter

Image Converter

Image Converter

Select an image file and choose the desired output format to convert it.

Supported types: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, ICO, ICO, SVG, WEBP

Here are the steps to use the Image Converter tool

Steps to Convert an Image:

  1. Open the Image Converter Tool
    • Visit the webpage or application where the tool is hosted.
  2. Select an Image File
    • Click the “Choose File” button.
    • Browse and select an image from your computer.
    • Supported formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, ICO, SVG, WEBP.
  3. Choose the Output Format
    • Click the dropdown menu under “Output format”.
    • Select the desired format (e.g., PNG, JPG, WEBP, etc.).
  4. Convert the Image
    • Click the “Convert” button.
    • The tool will process and convert the image to the selected format.
  5. Download the Converted Image
    • After conversion, a download link will be provided.
    • Save the converted image to your device.
  6. Reset (Optional)
    • If you want to select another image, click the “Reset” button and repeat the process.
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